ponedeljek, 13. februar 2012

Modern Swimming Pools!

The "Great Bath" at the site of Mohenjo-Daro in modern-day Pakistan was most likely the first swimming pool, dug during the 3rd millennium BC. Ancient Greeks and Romans built artificial pools for athletic training, for nautical games and military exercises. 

Here is collection of some private indoor and outdoor swimming pools from all over the world.
And what could be more suitable for such a daydream?

Perfect view!

Would you swim every day if you had a pool like that?

Incredible swimming pool with a little island in the middle. 

sobota, 11. februar 2012

Modern Houses

Few pictures of Modern more or less "Green" Houses. It's up to you to decide.

Modern architecture is typically free of clutter and unnecessary elements.  The goals of the project are clarified at the start, and only the features that are required are included in the design.  Residential homes are often stripped down to showcase the architectural design of the home - the focus will be on the space itself, rather than on any decor or details not relevant to the overall design. Homeowners following a Modern aesthetic believe strongly in the idea of “Less is More”!  Modern tastes enjoy simplicity and clarity.  Homes will be clean, functional, and simple.  There are varying degrees of Modernism - some will opt for the strict design sense of true Minimalism, while others prefer to incorporate the minimalist aesthetics of Modernism in conjunction with their own personal style.  Choosing your own design elements in the way of colours, textures, and interesting furnishings will help create a more unique Modern style.

četrtek, 9. februar 2012

Modern Office Designs!

Gone are the days when offices were typically cubicle, surrounded by white walls and lit by white fluorescent   
lights. Here are some ideas to make good impression.